Marine Services
Spencer Marine is a full service boatyard located on the Outer Banks on North Carolina. We service custom and production boats from general maintenance to repowers. Our emphasis is on doing quality work in a timely manner. Our facilities include a 100 ton & 75 ton travel lift, on-premise shipstore, and Do-It-Yourself Work on Yard. Of course, our workers are each skilled in their own speciality and ready to tackle any challenge! Please contact us for any of your questions or quoting needs.
- 100 ton & 75 ton travel lift
- Wet & Dry Dockage
- 30, 50 or 100 Amp Electric Service
- Full Service Ship Store
- Full Service Machine & Welding Shop
- Full Service Cabinetry Shop
- Paint Bay
- Copy, Fax, Mailing & WIFI Service
- Forklift
- Boom
- Cooling Tower
Hurricane Haul – Outs Available on Request.
Boatyard: Monday – Friday 7:00am to 3:30pm
Office: Monday- Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm
Telephone: 252-473-4767 or 252-573-8323